I would like to thank the Committee for inviting me to Judge Deerhounds at their well organised & friendly show. I was honoured to have an entry of 15 quality Deerhounds. I would also like to thank my efficient steward & the exhibitors for their support.
Junior: (4.1)
Finnett & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Endless Flight. Striking 13 mth old dog, masculine head, dark eye with far away expression, correct bite, well set ears & a lovely strong neck. Excellent bone & substance on this youngster. Good depth of chest for his age & nice length. Excellent strong quarters with good width & well-muscled second thigh. Loin well arched & drooping to tail. In profile lovely extension on the move & held top line, a little wayward in front at the moment when coming; however, he moved with purpose & covered the ground well. Definitely one to watch as he matures.
Spence’s Shagied Stormy Seas Elegant shapely 11 mth old bitch with a light grey crisp coat. Feminine head, beautiful soft look in repose with dark eye. Correct bite, good ear set & good reach of neck. Well made front, correct top line, good tuck up, nice length from hip to hock. Once settled she covered the ground well & moved with a lovely long easy stride. She had better length than 3 & her movement was more consistent. One to watch with interest, I was pleased to award her BP.
Post Graduate (6.2)
Lucas & Dargonne’s Packway Little Loxley A pretty 2 & half year old Bitch who carried herself with quiet dignity. Nice head with far away expression, correct bite, aquiline nose & neat ears. Good neck & lay of shoulder & return of upper arm, well angled forequarters. A good chest in proportion to her size. Balanced in length & width with nothing over exaggerated. Nicely muscled & good crisp coat. Would have preferred slightly tighter feet. Held her top line on the move & moved soundly. Was pleased to award her RBOB.
Janson’s Nixophel Carnelian Red 18 mth old Dog with a pleasing head, lovely dark eye & endearing expression. Aquiline nose, correct bite & strong jaw & neck with nice reach. Developing a good depth of chest for his age. Pleasing length from hip to hock. Still needs to mature, a little straight in front, but good hind angulation. I would have preferred a little more width & bone. Excellent crisp coat. On the day moved out better than 3rd (his litter sister). Very well presented & handled.
Open (5.1)
Finnet & Heathcote’s Hyndsight Careless Whisper This 2 yr old feminine bitch stood out with her dark coat & unexaggerated beautiful shape & certainly didn’t disappoint on the move. Lovely head, excellent far away expression, dark eye & mouse like ears. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulder & good return of upper arm. Pleasing depth of chest, length in proportion to her size & a nice tuck up to complete the picture. Drooping broad & powerful hips & excellent hind quarters, good bend of stifle & low hocks. Smashing muscle tone & well-muscled second thigh. Correct croup & unexaggerated fallaway. Would have preferred slightly tighter feet. She was a little unsettled at times when stacked, but once on the move held her top line & moved with purpose covering the ground. She was easy active & true & a delight to see. It was a pleasure to award her BOB (Hound Group 2)
Taylor’s Hoddingrey Peregrine A handsome 5 & half year old dog, with a masculine head of good proportion, onto a lovely strong neck with good reach. Lovely strong flat bone & well laid shoulders, a good depth of chest & an unexaggerated top line. Croup slightly steep, but powerful hind quarters with great width to thigh. Not quite as well muscled as 1. He moved out well, but not with the drive or length of stride as 1. However, he was straight coming & going, held his top line & moved very soundly.
Kerry Tresh ( Lyndorthwin)